6 Fruit Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard

6 Fruit Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard

bradford pear trees granite city il

Who doesn’t love a tree in the yard? It provides much-needed shade on a hot summer day. And, if it’s a fruit tree, you get the bonus of a fresh, delicious harvest to look forward to. What could be better? Nothing, as long as you do some research before planting trees in Granite City, IL.

While many trees require tree care from a tree service, these fruit trees may end up needing to be removed. The smartest move as a homeowner is to avoid planting them at all.

Fruit trees can be an asset, but only if you avoid planting the problematic ones. Problems can be caused by invasive root systems or the mess they make on the lawn. To avoid trouble later, you should refrain from planting these nine fruit trees in your yard.

Bradford Pear

This tree only causes problems in your yard. First, it can grow up to 30 feet tall. This height alone could cause issues for city dwellers. But it’s the weak branch structure that creates the most worry.

Bradford pear trees have a tendency to split. This happens when the limbs become too big and heavy for the tree to hold up. These trees generally split within twenty years of planting.

And speaking of its size, a Bradford pear tree is so large it will take up your entire yard. Its dense branches mean you can’t plant anything under it. In fact, with this giant in your yard, you can barely move around at all.

White Mulberry

This is a fruit tree that only the birds will love. It leaves a mess in your yard, and the birds that dine on its berries will make an even bigger mess.

They are an invasive plant that can’t have any other trees planted nearby. Plus, the pollen produced by the male is known to be allergy-inducing.

Ginkgo Biloba

Growing up to an astounding 80 feet tall, ginkgo Biloba trees are quite impressive. The fruit of the tree makes a huge mess on your lawn, patio, and driveway.

It also creates a huge amount of pollen, which attracts pests, like the silkworm. Before too long, you’ll be sharing your home with these insects.

Java Plum

The java plum or Jamun tree is a rapidly growing tree that thrives in tropical environments. They grow rapidly, forking into multiple trunks near the ground. Reaching its full height of 40 to 50 feet in just 40 years.

Java plum trees have evergreen leaves with the odor of turpentine. It can easily take up a 36-foot space in your yard. Loaded with fruit, these trees are messy, leaving the small fruit everywhere.

Callery Pear

russian olive tree granite city il

Like the Bradford pear tree, the wood is weak and the tree tends to split in two. A storm or heavy winds can splinter these trees, causing serious damage to your property. For safety’s sake, keep these trees away from your home.

Russian Olive

This invasive species can choke out all other plant life. It grows up to six feet a year, and near the ground, it can spread out for 10 to 20 feet. The Russian Olive grows quickly into a tangled mess that can ruin the look of your property.

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