Common Questions You Should ask Your Tree Service in Granite City, IL

Companies that provide tree services need to be properly trained, and professional and have all the knowledge they need to provide their customers with the best service. If you are thinking about hiring a local professional tree service company in Granite City, IL, you should not just hire any company. You need to be sure that the company you hire will value you in the long run. Here are some good common questions that you should ask a tree company before you hire them.

Insurance Certificates and Proper Credentials


Tree Service Companies not only in Granite City, IL but everywhere else should be able to prove to you they have proper insurance and prove their credentials. Ask them to show you their insurance in case they damage your property. Be sure to ask for their credentials to prove they are properly trained to provide their services to you.

Previous Works

Be sure to ask them about their previous work. If they have an online presence, they should be able to provide you with details and images of what they have worked on before. Along with this, they should have reviews online from previous customers, and check to see if these are positive or not. If a company is not willing to show you their previous works or provide any kind of references, they are likely not trustworthy.

Project Length

Ask your company how long the project will take. Make sure that when they give you the estimate, it is fair with how much time they spent and how much effort was put into it. They should not make you pay more if they only worked for a couple of hours.

Detailing the Cost Estimate

Have the company give you a detailed explanation of the total cost estimate of your project. Look at the factors like the time they will take, the tools they are using, and other things to determine. Do not let a company rip you off.

Trimming Trees

Are They Professional?

The most important part about finding any kind of company including tree service companies is to find one who is truly professional. Do they take good care of their tools and their trucks? Are their workers polite? Are they well trained? Make sure you find a tree service company that will put you first always.

Are you looking for a reputable tree service company in Granite City, IL? Give our team of professionals over at Merritt’s Tree Service a call today!

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