Recognize the Warning Signs of a Falling Tree Belleville, IL

Belleville, IL Falling Tree removal

Trees are magnificent beings that offer us shade, oxygen, and beauty. However, as they age or face environmental stresses in Belleville, IL, they can become vulnerable to falling, posing a risk to property and safety. Recognizing the signs that a tree might be at risk of falling is crucial for taking preventive measures and ensuring the safety of people and structures nearby. Here’s how you can tell if a tree is showing signs of potential failure.


While some trees naturally lean to one side, a sudden or pronounced lean can indicate instability. If a tree’s lean seems to have changed over time or if it leans significantly towards a structure or road, it may be at risk of falling.

Cracks and Splits

Inspect the trunk and major branches for cracks, splits, or seams. These can weaken the tree’s structure, making it more susceptible to failure, especially during high winds or storms. Pay attention to any changes in the size or shape of existing cracks, as they may indicate progressive decay or mechanical damage.

Dead or Diseased Branches

Dead, diseased, or decayed branches are a red flag for tree health and stability in Belleville, IL. These branches are prone to breakage and can cause significant damage if they fall. Look for signs of fungal growth, peeling bark, or discolored leaves, as these are indicators of underlying issues that compromise the tree’s structural integrity.

Root Damage

Healthy roots are essential for anchoring a tree and providing stability. Examine the area around the tree for signs of root damage, such as heaving soil, exposed roots, or root decay. Construction activities, soil compaction, and changes in water drainage can all contribute to root damage and increase the risk of tree failure.

Hollow Trunk

A hollow or decayed trunk is a clear sign of internal structural weakness. While trees can survive with hollow areas, extensive decay can compromise their stability and increase the likelihood of falling. Tap the trunk with a mallet or your knuckles to assess its soundness – a hollow or dull sound may indicate decay.

Sudden Leaf Loss

Rapid or premature leaf loss, especially outside of the tree’s normal shedding season, can be a warning sign of stress or declining health. While leaf loss alone may not indicate imminent failure, it’s essential to investigate the underlying cause and address any issues that may be affecting the tree’s vitality.

Previous Damage

Trees that have been previously damaged by storms, pests, or improper pruning are more susceptible to future failure. Inspect the tree for signs of past damage, such as broken branches, torn bark, or poorly healed wounds. These weak points can compromise the tree’s structural integrity and increase the risk of falling.

falling tree removal services Belleville, IL

Nearby Construction or Excavation

Construction activities near a tree can disturb the soil, damage roots, or alter drainage patterns, all of which can weaken the tree and increase the risk of failure. If construction or excavation work is planned near a tree, take precautions to protect its health and stability, such as installing barriers or consulting with a certified arborist.

If you believe your tree is about to fall and need reliable tree removal services in Belleville, IL, contact Merritt’s Tree Service today!

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